Geoff WardA philosophical explorer of the occult traditionHistorically, the occult field seems to have been made up of three kinds of people: those with an impartial intellectual interest, those…Jan 12, 2023Jan 12, 2023
Geoff WardReality check: the existentialist Colin Wilson and consciousness theory in the 21st centuryThe English philosopher Colin Wilson was a leading 20th-century thinker on the subject of consciousness. Here, for the first time, his…May 23, 20192May 23, 20192
Geoff WardLearn how to achieve ‘super consciousness’ and help trigger a leap forward in human evolutionA central achievement of the English existential philosopher, critic and novelist Colin Wilson was to empower us to gain understanding of…Dec 8, 2019Dec 8, 2019
Geoff WardA philosopher of optimism with a positive message for us all in a troubled worldWhen I reviewed the first edition of Colin Wilson: Philosopher of Optimism by Brad Spurgeon in 2006, then published to coincide with the…Dec 4, 2017Dec 4, 2017
Geoff WardThe radical theory that could have changed the way we think about literature — and still oughtExistential criticism, formulated 60 years ago by the English philosopher and novelist Colin Wilson, remains valid today despite having…Oct 11, 20182Oct 11, 20182
Geoff WardMy encounters with the famous ‘sage of Tetherdown’Friends give their personal recollections of the late philosopher-novelist Colin Wilson in a new book, The Sage of TetherdownJul 25, 2020Jul 25, 2020
Geoff WardCould the world’s history of violence be coming to an end?The story of the human race over the last few thousand years is written in blood — one of unremitting violence: devastating wars, genocide…Nov 28, 2015Nov 28, 2015
Geoff WardThe cult movie Vanishing Point and the existential odyssey of Kowalski, a defiant American heroExistential criticism, as formulated by the English philosopher and novelist Colin Wilson (1931–2013), can be applied to performance texts…Nov 26, 2018Nov 26, 2018