An urgent warning for the West

Geoff Ward
7 min readDec 4, 2022

Another pandemic, likely in 2025, could be the next stage in the decline of the West on the way to a totalitarian world government

Author Nicholas Hagger asks his readers if they can accept that an ‘evidence jigsaw’ he has pieced together reveals ‘a covered-up and hitherto fragmented truth’.

In bright red lettering across the cover are emblazoned the words ‘A warning to the Western world’. It’s a prophetic new book freighted with moment, indispensable in its timeliness and deserving of the widest readership.

In The Fall of the West: The story behind covid, the levelling-down of the West and the shift of power to the East with the rise of China (O-Books, November 2022), cultural historian and philosopher Nicholas Hagger warns that historic happenings from the ‘War on Terror’ to covid-19 have brought the Western financial system to the brink of collapse and shifted power from the West to the East and neo-imperialist China.

The Fall of the West is the third instalment of Hagger’s trilogy on the West. In The Syndicate (2004), he described how, in the twentieth century, a group of elitist mega-rich families — the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and co-operators — levelled down leading Western countries by promoting revolutions, wars and independence movements against their empires, and planned a New World Order and world government to control the earth’s resources for their own benefit.

In terming this group, ‘the Syndicate’, taking the dictionary definition — a group of individuals…



Geoff Ward

Writer, journalist, book editor, poet, musician and tutor in literature and creative writing (MA and BA Hons degrees in English literature).